Seeing as how you all get your fancy dubstep/whateverthefuck threads, I figured I would create one for me.
When I listen to music, (anymore) I like to sit in my lazy boy rocker and just relax.
I would like you all to pick a song that makes you calm. Whatever you listen to when you are mad at all the DDoS'ing, and just want to sit and relax.
Or whatever you turn on when you OH FUCK, you get the point.
It can be anything, but please, for my own curiosity, explain yourself if you pick like, Slipknot. I want to know the story, it helps us get to know how each other think. Which, I promise, is a good thing.
With that being said, I will start us off with an old favorite of mine from my favorite jazz band, The Rippingtons. This is a medley of they're
PROBLEM, DON? most famous songs from the past 20 years, so enjoy. I like it because I grew up with their music as a child, and, for reasons I don't quite comprehend, this band became a sort of security for my sanity. I associate the music with my childhood, which was life without worry for me.
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The Rippingtons-20th Anniversary BonusEdit: I had to try this, so I figured, why not my own thread?