Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Respected Glitcher and Abuse

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#1 U can tell that was not me cus it was tomy.
#2 U are new to RND=Noob.
#3 I kicked U for Proppush And Prop Block......
#4 U want Revenge :(


--- Quote from: Cheesicle on September 01, 2010, 03:31:21 AM ---K wait. So in the image, It doesn't have a name. How can we know it's Kill_N_Dark? Need more proof. Too many rage reporters these days, can't trust all posts

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Thats actually him cuz even it has no names many can prove it specially my friends. and banning my friend cuz my friend said that Kill is a minge but kill is rly a minge


--- Quote from: Kill_N-Dark on September 01, 2010, 03:33:08 AM ---#1 U can tell that was not me cus it was tomy.
#2 U are new to RND=Noob.
#3 I kicked U for Proppush And Prop Block......
#4 U want Revenge :(

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U dumbass respected telling a lie im
#1 im not new to RND
#2 It was you cuz thats ur player model
#3 U even didnt kick me yet cuz i didnt prop push u or prop block
#4 i didnt want revenge i just want u to get demoted cuz many respected already hates u


--- Quote from: Kill_N-Dark on September 01, 2010, 03:33:08 AM ---#2 U are new to RND=Noob.

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Well being new doesn't mean he doesn't know the rules.
--- Quote from: Cheesicle on September 01, 2010, 03:31:21 AM ---K wait. So in the image, It doesn't have a name. How can we know it's Kill_N_Dark? Need more proof. Too many rage reporters these days, can't trust all posts

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--- Quote from: Aรรครรเภ on September 01, 2010, 03:37:47 AM ---Well being new doesn't mean he doesn't know the rules.Screenie:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
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LOL i was in the water what can u say? well looks like u lie N


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