Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Respected Glitcher and Abuse

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# 11 "Kill_N-Dark" STEAM_0:0:28025161  2:28:53 72 0 active

My Steam In-game ID:akomissmo1

Steam name: Kill_N-Dark

Server: Flood

When i just joined Flood and saw Kill_N-Dark Glitching then i used my prop to prop surf then i suddenly glitched acidentally but i didnt meant to do the glitch then he took pic of me in the glitch but it was an accident then he said ill ban u suicide or else i ban u then i suddenly kill my self to avoid getting banned....

Hers The Screen Shot for my proof:
Thats Kill_N-Dark in that Glitch...

Yeah, i suggest map removal and demote, KillNdark is abusing that map and shoots other people's boat while at the glitch. And hes also teaching other people how to glitch

He's abusive alright.

Wow Really? what did i do ? u just want to get my respected away u have no proff :( Add some Screen Shoots


--- Quote from: Kill_N-Dark on September 01, 2010, 03:23:17 AM ---Wow Really? what did i do ? u just want to get my respected away u have no proff :( Add some Screen Shoots

--- End quote ---
there are screenshots in the post and u were encouraging people to glitch, like that tomeh guy.
And u wouldnt suicide after i told u so many times


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