Basically in multiplayer Minecraft on Danny Doss's server me Danny and Jman fucked around with MrFranklin's house. We were making a trap inside his house basement where when he walked down his stairs he would step on a plate and blow up a bunch of TNT under and inside the walls of his house, but while we were planting down the TNT we accidentally hit on and blew it all up before it was even close to finished.
The result was a giant cave where his basement was. It ended up not even breaking one single block of his house above ground, only his basement. So from the outside, his entire house looked normal. Unless you walked around back where there was a giant hole leading to torch heaven. In other words, I filled every single block in the cave with torches.
We then edited some signs around his house, and bam. Rage city.
It was funny though, Franklin was more mad at the signs being changed than us blowing up his entire fucking basement.
Mission still success.
Also, the images are out of order obviously.