Freshman year for me was horrible LOLOLOL.
I got injured 3 times during the school year and twice of those times the ambulance had to come get me ROFL...
1st injury - bathroom madness. Outside the track there is a bathroom that no one goes to. My friends and I plugged up the three sinks with paper towels and turned on all the faucets in full blast. We wanted to "make an indoor swimming pool". I slipped and fell on my ass.
2nd injury - behind the bleachers. I was jumping around under the bleachers and it was very dark. I tripped and fell but I got up and felt fine. Streaming from my elbow was dark dark blood and it was bleeding severely that I left a trail from the gym to the nurse's office where the nurse attempted to stop it, she couldnt so she called an ambulance.
3rd injury - bathroom leak. I went to get a drink from the fountain. I didn't know the bathroom pipes were broken and it was literally flooding (the whole school was put in lockdown because the water started going in the halls and in classrooms) I slipped and hit my cheekbone on the floor. Fractured my cheekbone. They called ambulance.
Would I do it all again?
Fuck yes. High school was fun as hell. I would do it all again if I had a choice.
Parties, parties, and ummm.. OSHIT. MOAR PARTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friends getting drunk at them, (they were expelled from school for totally unrelated reasons) BIG BOOMING MUSIC FROM BIG BOOMING SPEAKERS OHMAIGAWSH THE FREAKIN MEMORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck I would relive freshman year alllllll over again.. Every single stinkin second

Maybe even redo some shit I fucked up..
Christians are actually nice enuf to accept fat asians C: I fit in easily
There was no "Social Hierarchy". Everyone was a family

I loved that school sooooooo freakin much...
Now I'm stuck in this shithole. Fuck my life.
Guess all good things come to an end.