The first stage of our war against ACTA has come.
Unite Against ACTA - To Arms!Favourite this, Rate this up, and Spam it with comments.
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The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is an international treaty and thus bypasses the democratic process. It gives authority to the countries who sign on (about 40 or so, the US, Canada, and most if not all of the EU included) to check your digital devices (laptops, MP3 players, etc.) at airports, bus stations, etc. without a warrant.
For the US at least, ISPs will be monitoring every one of their customers' moves because they are now legally responsible for you. Also, three accusations of copyright infringement (no proof or charges brought against you needed), and you're banned off the internet for like a year as required by law. The government will also be blocking to websites that are deemed "vulgar and offensive" (which puts 4chan at risk), much like they do in China.A course of action:
1. Go to your state, click the senator's name and email/contact your senator saying this or similar: "Down with the ACTA. We do NOT want the ACTA signed. This goes against the ideals the United States of America was constructed upon. Please listen to us, the people of America."
2. Go to in your state/zip code and hit "Contact My Representative." Then email/contact your representative saying, again, this or similar: "Down with the ACTA. We do NOT want the ACTA signed. This goes against the ideals the United States of America was constructed upon. Please listen to us, the people of America."
The biggest goal currently is to get the masses aware of the ACTA. People need to know about this.
Anti-ACTA sites that outline much of it: you'll find proof the ACTA exists but here's some more:, people will say things similar to "Oh, we'll just find a way around it" and "There'll be an underground internet."
Why let it come to that? Lets fight this now before it takes effect.
Post on any social networking sites you have! Tell people who're on your messengers, and friends you know personally, too.
People must know about this, spread the word.
Also, this is known as a google bomb: one and only one.
What it does is continuously refreshes the anti-acta page over and over to get
its hit numbers up. If enough people do this then it'll rise to the top page of
google and many, many more people will see it.