Double posting cause of update.
I think I'm gonna go with a new strategy.
You get your own separate space with unlim hdd space, then if you want someone to download something, you can simply direct link it to them.
Anyone can read and download the files, but only that FTP account can upload.
Speedtest if anyones interestested exact rates were
Uploading - 230kb/s
Downloading - 170kb/s
Let me know what average speeds you get. Aside from some minor testing, everythings really ready to go up. Just PM me what you want login info to be.
So you'd have
/Shared folder everyone has access to edit and configure
/Direct linking for files
I'm seeing if I can work on some sort of private folder for storage/ect.
I'm about to go out for a bit, so I'll set up accounts when I get back.
If you want to fuck around to do some testing, I set up a anon account.
No password, when prompted to enter one, just press enter.
Anon has access to read the root folder, but not edit. Anon can write in /incoming
So yeah. Let me know any good suggestions.