.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
hai gaiz i went to war like cawadoody said becuz its so realistic LOL XD
but wtf i got shot and didnt regenrate, now im fked for life
wat do
love cowadoody its so realistic xD
It's 100.000 fucking men.
--- Quote from: Frank on March 06, 2011, 02:58:21 PM ---It's 100.000 fucking men.
--- End quote ---
AGAINST 100,00 fuckin bullets
M249, Grenades, A few Hind's, badass helmets, some breaking benjamin music.... cmon man
--- Quote from: somerandomguy09 on March 06, 2011, 03:04:31 PM ---AGAINST 100,00 fuckin bullets
M249, Grenades, A few Hind's, badass helmets, some breaking benjamin music.... cmon man
--- End quote ---
Learn to write/type/speak(whatever you want to call it) and then tell me 100 men can beat 100k men.
redcoats win.
in the case that the military has armored vehicles I doubt the redcoats would be able to do much. How much damage can a musket bullet do to thick steel and near unbreakable treads. military wins
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