Steam: Cr3atiV3 /\/\inD Flo\\/
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:7508402
In-Game Name: Cr3atiV3 /\/\inD Flo\\/
Time online: 4-5 hours a day total.
Servers:Age: 16
Birthday: 8/17
Games (on Steam):Location: California
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:I want to help in the votes to kick/ban people when they are being a nuisance. I also lose a lot of karma in TTT for an accidental kill and heard that as a reg i'll lose less but I dunno. I also don't like the jbanned tag that I currently have.
Contributions to RND:None other than tell VIPs to kick spammers and rdmers.
If you want to contact me for anything me on Steam>Thanks for your time.<