Steam: Dragonboy2911
SteamID: Name: ^3+^2ExE^3+^2 Drag^3onboy
Time online:I'm mostly on an hour or 2 in the morning (6-8 A.M Central) and from 7-9.... thats on weekdays.... on weekends it varies from 12 Pm till 4 Am...
Servers: Trouble in terror town, Zombie survival, Fretta server, Rp server, and thats about it...
Age: 14
Birthday: December 16th...
Games (on Steam): Black ops, mw2.... Pre ordered BF3 so it should count as a steam game soon...
Location: Texas, Central Usa...
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: The reason why I want to be a regular is because.... well...back before the regular title came out I used to be respected.... so I'm just applying for this.
Contributions to RND:None so far... but I hope to make some in the future..
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following: Dragonboy2911 for steam. for msn and Dragonoxo for xfire...
Thanks for reading... also if there should be anything wrong with this application (such as info) Let me know... Thanks!