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i've stopped now

tried it those two times never gonna gain

i dont do my wrist, btw, i do lower arm, bad anyway.

i'll stop for all of you, i know its bad.

i just wanted advice because i didnt want teachers at school to make a deal over it -_-


--- Quote from: Supertoaster on February 28, 2011, 03:54:40 PM ---i've stopped now

tried it those two times never gonna gain

i dont do my wrist, btw, i do lower arm, bad anyway.

i'll stop for all of you, i know its bad.

i just wanted advice because i didnt want teachers at school to make a deal over it -_-

--- End quote ---
It is a deal. It is a fucking deal.

You already cut yourself; ITS A BIG DEAL.

Go see a counsellor before your next indulgence is jumping off a bridge :l


--- Quote from: rocket50 on February 28, 2011, 04:17:37 PM ---You already cut yourself; ITS A BIG DEAL.

Go see a counsellor before your next indulgence is jumping off a bridge :l

--- End quote ---

Pfft, like, who does that?

/moves bungee gear over to the left with his foot.


I do agree cutting yourself is bad - most of everyone here knows that.
But what you guys do NOT know is how it's like to be in the position where you HAVE to cut yourself just to get away from it all. and I hope you NEVER FUCKING DO.

Cutting to relieve stress? It's not just solely for that purpose alone. Cutting yourself can have a lot of reason behind it - we don't know those reasons. Supertoaster himself only knows why he does it. He may do it and he may not, and I hope he's just lying.

--- Quote from: Death M.D. on February 28, 2011, 12:47:33 PM ---How are we ignorant? He's taking a fucking razor blade to his arms, and letting them BLEED OUT, just to 'relieve stress'. That's completely fucking stupid, and he deserves to be called an idiot.

--- End quote ---

Calling the person stupid because of that? So, just because he cuts himself just to 'relieve stress' (which you also don't know if that's really is the reason - and you're just assuming it is) he deserves to be called an idiot?

Yes I get it - that shit does relieve stress - but is that all there is to it?

Like I said before, NONE of you know his story - his background - his life. So I don't think you should be going around saying they DESERVE to be called an idiot..

--- Quote from: Jman on February 28, 2011, 12:09:33 PM ---No I'm not dumb. Supertoaster's dumb for getting out of his problems by inflicting physical harm to himself. In no way should you feel sympathetic as it's a truly stupid thing to do and can cause major damage in the future.

So yes, I am insulting him, and yes, it will help as if he realizes how stupid what he's doing is and what it can cause he may stop.

--- End quote ---

Of the things I told you jman and of all the things we talked about before - I didn't expect you to say this - even if you hate this person.
Insulting a person who's already cutting themselves? In order to make them realize what they're doing is stupid? Hoping that would make them stop? What?

Let's make a note that this person isn't doing this to get sympathy out of anyone. Usually when a person inflicts harm on themselves is to make them feel something they want to feel. Whether it's relief from stress, calms them down, or makes them happy, we don't know for sure.

--- Quote from: Death M.D. on February 28, 2011, 02:22:55 AM ---Cutting your wrists is fucking stupid. Idg why people do it.

--- End quote ---

I can assure you, that you will never get it. Maybe, just maybe - instead of jumping into conclusions, insulting the people that DO cut their wrists, acting upon it so negatively because it doesn't tally up with your views on it... maybe - just offer help? Because.. sometimes .. that's all they need in order to stop.. a lending hand of a friend who wants (not because it's their job to do so like a doctor) to help you out because they truly care for you. No this doesn't apply here on the internet. If you ever encounter someone in life, which you will at some point.. who DOES - at least not be a dick about it and shut them off.

--- Quote from: Supertoaster on February 28, 2011, 12:50:01 AM ---I have some cuts on my arm, and they are to big to be "accidental" and I have school tomorrow, but all my long sleeved clothes are dirty > ditto with jacket.


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and as for you, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you on the internet telling people about this and sounding so ... god damn fine with it? No, it's not cool to cut your wrists and no it's not cool to joke about it either. This shit is a serious matter.

Joking or not joking.. (in hopes you are joking) you shouldn't be on the internet telling us about this. You'll get ignorant responses from people. Then again, you'll get ignorant responses in real life as well.

Word of advice: Choose wisely the people you tell this to.

--- Quote from: Supertoaster on February 28, 2011, 03:54:40 PM ---i've stopped now

tried it those two times never gonna gain

i dont do my wrist, btw, i do lower arm, bad anyway.

i'll stop for all of you, i know its bad.

i just wanted advice because i didnt want teachers at school to make a deal over it -_-

--- End quote ---

two times..? Even doing it once is a big deal. If you can resist not doing it - then you should still be in good shape. Don't do it again.
and whether its your lower arm, wrist, back of your neck what the fuck ever.. it doesn't matter where you inflict your pain.

Remember: if you can resist doing it, save yourself and choose to NOT do it. Do it while you still have the option. Don't let it go too far to where you don't get a say in it anymore. Just don't.

And advice for the OP about the hiding.. A jacket, cardigan, or something comfortable you can wear throughout the day without you getting hot - it doesn't have to be a long sleeve shirt - a cardigan/sweater or a jacket if it's cold up there - should do fine.


Yes I am aware that this is the internet. Yes I am aware that posts like the posts in this thread were expected. Yes I know shit like this should never be taken seriously especially coming from the internet.

But it just pissed me off.. Shit is hitting close to home.


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