How to make interesting mapFirstly: I am NOT saying I'm expert at mapping. Feel free to ask question and the tutorial might contain bad English. I tried my best. Thank you.There is many ways to make interesting map. It has to be unique. Instead of copying from someone else.
For NewbiesLightning
Instead of making boring fullbright map, use
light_environmentHow to:1. Click this at the side bar.

2. Now you should see something like this at the right side.

light_environment and click somewhere in your map.
3.Now you should see something like this

Diabolical on it and this should pop up.

Pitch Yaw Roll: Where does to light go
FROM the entity. (so place it where you want the light come.)
Brightness: Name says it all.
Ambient: Name says it all.
SunSpreadAngle: How blurry are the shadows. (ex. 5 is good starting value.)
OTHER OPTIONS YOU SHOULD LEAVE LIKE THEY ARE!4. Now you should just try out these things and find perfect lightning for your map.
If you didn't get something go here: you might think: I want dark map, but the sky texture isn't working!
How to:1. At the top tool bar click Map. Then you should see something like this.

Click Map Properties... and this should pop up.

Now, click SkyBox Texture Name
2. Now you should find sky texture, but where? Here: (
DO NOT COPY THE NAME FROM THE PICTURE!) Lets take sky_borealis01, because we wanted darkish map. Paste it there and click Ok.
OPTIONAL!3. Now you should open your
light_environment again and copy the Ideal Sun Angle, Ideal Sun Pitch, Ideal Brightness and Ideal Ambiance from To
light_environment. Sun Angle to Pitch Yaw Roll, Sun Pitch to Pitch, Brightness to Brightness and Ambiance to Ambient.
IF you want make it proper lightning for the sky.
Rain/SnowfallBut what about
Rain? Or
How to:1. Take trigger texture from the texture application by searching "trigger"
2. Now click this at the side bar.

3. Make block where you want to the rain/snowfall be and click Enter.
4. Now select the brush and press
Ctrl + T and name it as
And it should something like this.

Density: (0 to 100) How hard does the rain/snowfall rain.
Precipitation Type:
Use only Rain or Snowfall!THEORY PART!
For AdvancedDetails!
One of the important things to make perfect map.
DecalsDecals are perfect for making maps look old-ish.
I recommend to use trash decals much as possible. It makes the illusion of detail.
Spray textures are another way to tell the area/map is more used. Use them much as possible (
Brush workIf your map has nothing else but squares it loses the interest.
(Ex. instead of making flat roof, make it like this.)

Or make support structures like these

The way to make good map is to add little things.
Instead of using regular light entity try out some others, like light_spot, light_dynamic, env_projectedtexture.
AND CHANGE THE GOD DAMN BRIGHTNESS ALREADY!(Bad ex. add's light entity and does nothing for it.)
(Good ex. add's light entity, changes the brightness and color of it.)
(Bad ex. add's light entity to attic and makes it eye rape.)
(Good ex. add's light entity to attic and changes the brightness to 50, which makes it look darker, which makes it look cooler, which makes your map popular!)
PropsAnother way to make your map look life like.
Without them your map will suck, no matter what.
OptimizingIf, you don't optimize your map and it has fps problems, nobody will play your map and complains that its laggy and it will get removed from the server.
WARNING! If you are making map for Zombie Survival the fps will drop by half or more. So be prepared.
GameplayTHE most important part. This will still rule all.
Without fun, good gameplay your map will suck.
Ok, that was my rant... now feel free to ask questions