I really enjoy when people bitch about americans and their cuture, and how we're ignorant. Sure, maybe most of us don't know the capital of Kazakhstan, but you know why? Cause we are the most awesome around. Well, maybe not, but go look in your British/Australian/Japanese theatres. Whats that? American movies? Fuck yes America. Go to your local department store. Whats that? Wal-mart? Fuck yes Arkansas. Go get some food. Whats that? McDonalds? Gross, but fuck yea. Our culture is pervasive throughout almost every country. Sure, we may be dicks, but our dicks are in all four corners of the world.
And facts are, many Americans aren't full retard. I hate most Americans myself since most of them are annoying as fuck, but some of them are awesome people -- same as any other country in the world.