Been my steam friend for almost all my days on steam, played countless multiplayer games with him but on many occassions is quite the Steam chat spammer. Happened to meet him on RND's ZS server, before the big change. This vote is probably not gunna matter but I will still vote.
Even though my vote doesn't count for much, I'm going to say -1.
You can just be a bit juvenile in-game and annoying, though you haven't actually broken any rules, I could just see you using Reg improperly, as funny as that sounds. What I mean by that is that I could see you voting on kicks and bans off a biased opinion if say your friend were being kicked
I agree with Sabbath, if you have known Apie for as long as I have (over a year) he is a tad bias, and a little bit of a rager. Example of this is when we were playing some other multiplayer games.
Zombiemaster for instance, he gets teamkilled usually by accident (by pushing or some other method of "assisted suicide"), He gets in a rage, steam chat floods with "BAG BAG BAG help me kick that guy", when a kick did come up, he spammed the chat and tried to get votes for a kick, the person said it was an accident and was sorry. If he gets killed by the same person multiple-times (8+ times), It's either a Ragequit, Steam chat flood of "Dammit" or "I HATE THAT GUY", but it's usually a long time hate for that person, and we all know hate leads to some slight bias. This has happened a few times in my gaming History with apie.
He's a great friend but that doesn't mean I should not be honest about this. A few people are +1-inng because of his Skill in TTT (He is a good player) but I don't like his slight bias and rage. (And the steam chat flooding). He ragequits from TTT and other games from Time to time (I know because on steam chat I lol at his Ragequitting.


lol I know I shouldn't spend much time on a Reg app reply

but judging by the votes already, this analysis of Apie will probably have no effect what so ever and apie getting REG is inevitable
So you can Ignore this if you want. :S