Well, I went on the servers a while ago, and server was being DDoS'd. Shortly after a DDoS, I start lagging like fuck again.
I thought it was just the server again... but then I realized everyone else was playing normal and talking in chat.
I was basically getting 1 frame per 5 min, so in approx. 5 min I was seeing what they were saying in chat in Gmod, and they were saying I was the only one lagging, and everyone's playing normally. Then I went out of Gmod and tried the forums, and all my other 9001 tabs as well as Steam.
Nothing works.
So right now, I'm still getting DDoS'd, and I'm posting this from a shitty laptop running on another router with different IP.
I'm assuming he decided to DDoS me instead of the server now because of my in-game now :l.
Boobs are all fun and games until you get DDoS'd I suppose.
I feel for you Devie.