Mehis's Regular ApplicationHai! Its me
Mehis here. So, i decided to join/try to join back to
Someone may know me from the past as
CRAZY! or/and from
|AHN| (Affiliate).
This time i don't have cr*cked steam, so i can play freely now.

I did ask my respected back, but it stopped like to a wall. (
Don't ask about it.

In-game name:
MehisSteam Account:
mehis1337Steam id:
14Source games/mods i have: Css,
Gmod (of course), Hl2 Dm, TF2 (sucks), Portal, Alien Swarm and some other mods.
Super Admin on |AHN|,
Respected here (was),
Mapping and some
I'm almost always on, but usually working on map.
FinlandWhy do i want regular?: Well, its time to get back to old school zombie survival, ttt and flood, kicking those glitchers/hackers/trolls butt!
Why i should get regular?: Above, because i have the experience for it and we are affiliates of course. Also, i could help
with mapping and making maps for the servers. (Right now working on a zs map.)
Contact me on steam or here at forums.
Final words: I couldn't come up with more so this is it. Have a nice day and play good!
Invaders must die - The Prodigy <--- SEE THIS AND YOU'll GET A COOKIE!