Steam: For all who want to add me would be xyameax
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:31374197
In-Game Name: xyameax
Time online: From the time I wake up till the time i go to sleep
Servers: Sledbuild; Fretta; Go Fish; Zombie Survival; and who can forget TTT
Age: 15Birthday: 11/27/1995 or November 27, 1995
Games (on Steam): Orange Box, and CCS
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: Why i want to be a regular because i love sledbuild, ttt, zombie survival, GO Fish, and... everything else haha, but i just love the servers and my bro and I can play together on them, and why I should be a regular is like almost everyone else, help out the new players or just play with other regulars and have a few competitions that i hope get around .:'=-`rANdOm~'-=:.Contributions to RND: I would like to be tech support. I am excellentwith computers and will help out any people who have problems w/ garry's mod or getting into the servers. I wish the best for the users and everyone else.
My Contact info is on my profile and to the left under the respect, but here it is here ╤
Yahoo ID: < ╛
MSN/ Live:
Steam ID: xyameax
and here

so thanks for taking the time to read this. and hope everyone does well