Proof for playig rnd in over a year: last year in the Wiremod server, the map was different than now. (i think the mapname was gm_wiremod or something similar.) and in that server they let you use the explosions wire tool. its hard to remember any other proof. just ask Cake_Face and he will say that i was in RND last year.
Reason for prop spawning: I am sorry. i get crazy when i stay up out of bed for 1 day. its hard to control my ADHD :/
it will never happen again

Proof for good building: i have 5 years of gaming building experience. i used the following to do this: Minecraft, Blobulous, Garry's Mod, and the last game is hidden because its private to me and my friends.

Once again i am sorry for the prop spam. It won't happen again! I promise