RIOT'S REGULAR APPSteam: riot605
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:38522988
In-Game Name: riot605
Time online:4pm to 8pm on weekdays, all day on weekends
Servers: wiremod server ZS and ttt
Birthday: 5 of january
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:because i wana be able to use more of the advanced feature of wiremod and the ability to save my creations
Contributions to RND: im afraid to say but nothing so far
Contacts: steam and skype both names are riot605
i have been called a minge in my last request and i have been a bit of a minge but i have learned from my mistakes i swear to god so please forgive and forget :'(
TYVM everone for reading my app and a special thanks to don for supplying the layout of the app