WackyWarner1827s regular app!
Name? WackyWarner1827, also known as Wack
Steam Id? STEAM_0:0:33061342
Location? North Brunswick, New Jersey
Servers? Build and rarely role play ( I go on sledbuild )
Age? 14 and 3/4s
B-Day? April 23
Contributions? ummmm... its the thought that counts!


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Why? Because I aint no minge that prop blocks or rdms k? I am also responsible in being an admin I was one on Deadly's Rp a server that lasted only a couple months. I can also be nice and not troll . I know about 4chan and whatever lives inside that beast. Oh I have a xbox 360 gamertags the same as steam name.
- Seen Gmod Idiot Box series
- Part of Gmod Tower
- Plays Minecraft
- Has a sense of humor
- My Itunes library is full of music from the 90's
I have a whole buch of stuff I can put down but it would take over the whole darn page....
So if you want to see me in gmod just go on sledbuild

Thats all for now bye!!!