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Gamemode Suggestion!

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Dr. Insano:
Cinema Gamemode.

RP would be great but It wouldnt last long - From what I hear the last time Coolz made one it was a failure. What happened to your spacebuild? I miss it. I would make a big rocket and then blow everyone up, I would take this whole planet for myself (the one with water and stuff - not earth - the one that looked just like earth and had an underwater base) I would just pump a buncha shit from that planet constantly and then deliver it to other people. You even asked me for some one time and I happily gave you 1 large terrajuice.

Spacebuild FTW


--- Quote from: Mr. Franklin on August 24, 2010, 09:35:34 PM ---i think we have deathrun on our fretta server, i think we do...

--- End quote ---
So? Deathrun on Fretta isn't as good, cause obviously you will have to play other game modes that other people want to play as well. Deathrun server is always deathrun.

The Ghost Of Anony Mouse:
GoFish gamemode :asian:

sleeper i miss you and your spacebuild server.......

all my spaceship is in there


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