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Gamemode Suggestion!

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which gamemode would you like to see hosted in the RND community?
the gamemode can be old or new, such as spacebuild 2, parasite, underdone, stranded, rp, etc...
you may also name more than one.
please post your answers in order of which one you perfer the most first.

I would seriously recommend an ongoing game mode.
Like spacebuilld is cool. But it wont last very long.
RP is a good contender.

Tiger Guy:
PERP. With milk.


--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on August 24, 2010, 06:20:13 PM ---PERP. With milk.

--- End quote ---
need to pay 100 dollas
to hunts
or hell DDOS you with 15 mbps up

Someone should definitly create a Wasteland Survival gameplay (using GM_Atomic or cscdesert) Oh hey that gives me a good Idea I'll post as well In response to my other post. But either way. Spacebuild would be nice but yours has been down for along time sleeper :(


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