Hi forums, its my
birthday tomorow and i had an idea. Because i like wirebuild alot and just found out about sceen building i want to hold a little contest. If its ok with you guys i would host a sceen building contest on wirebuild from about 8:00 am to a time around 9:30. rules would be that there are no vehicles accept chairs and pods, no phx, only hl2, tf2, cs:s and use contruction/comic props. Wire is aloud as long as it is Camouflaged at the end. This means igniters for fire, rangers for fences, and e2 for other stuff like a fire.(makes igniter redundent

) the sceens will be judged my me and any other admins,(not saying i am 1) who would like to. pretty mutch all tools are permited accept for hydrolic, hoverball and 0-gravity from physical properties. Trust me, i can tell if its on something thats invisible or not. if you have any suggestions please feel free to comment and give me ideas, but do it fast, almost the 25
p.s. Minges dont even try to minge, if theres admins on you will probably be punsihed.
URGENT:!!!! I hade to move the time from 8:00 to 9:00 due to a late wakeup, for information check the new post.