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judging people

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Can everyone stop putting size fucking font? It's fucking annoying = =

anyways, Deacon, you are cool.

That's my honest judgement of you.


--- Quote from: Cheesicle on February 13, 2011, 04:41:23 AM ---Can everyone stop putting size fucking font? It's fucking annoying = =

anyways, Deacon, you are cool.

That's my honest judgement of you.

--- End quote ---
and me? :3


--- Quote from: Degtyarev on February 13, 2011, 04:42:15 AM ---and me? :3

--- End quote ---
... and me? :3

^^ I ain't even gonna say.


Depending on how bad you write, I may think you're super smart,

or super dumb.

4 exmple some1 who rites lyk dis maeks me fkn aspload

But if I meet someone who writes like this, cares about grammar, ortography, and punctuation, I feel a certain respect for the effort.

But whatever. And aslo before meeting people, if they write like shit, it makes me think they either have an I.Q. of 1 or are 5 years old.


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