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judging people

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Faggots above, you can stop being faggots now.
(STOP DERAILING FFS... Just because it's in restricted boards DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO SPAM IT)

Anyways, I think you're a pretty cool guy, Deacon. You seem more relaxed and I haven't really seen you get upset from anything or act like an ass to someone.

Deacon you seem like pretty kewl guy. Also, you seem like you would be the mediator in your group of friends since you're always trying to solve problems lol.

What about me?


--- Quote from: Frank on February 13, 2011, 06:38:28 AM ---But whatever. And aslo before meeting people, if they write like shit, it makes me think they either have an I.Q. of 1 or are 5 years old.

--- End quote ---
I like how you're being a grammer nazi, and fucked up 'also'.

Anyhow, I think you's a kol bro Deacon.

Now lets yiff.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Frank on February 13, 2011, 06:38:28 AM ---
4 exmple some1 who rites lyk dis maeks me fkn aspload

--- End quote ---

cows go moo

anyways deacon yer cool, never had downtime with ye


--- Quote from: Death M.D. on February 13, 2011, 10:20:33 AM ---I like how you're being a grammer nazi, and fucked up 'also'.

Anyhow, I think you's a kol bro Deacon.

Now lets yiff.

--- End quote ---
>implying I even care enough as to change it


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