Bag's Regular App.Steam Name(s): Bag. / Bagas / Chicken./ (basically anything That has "bag" in it.)
Usual alias: Bag.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31235273
Time when I'm on-line: Mostly Everyday, Around 8am-11pm
Servers: TTT, ZS, plain build, Wire build (when im reaaally bored)
Age: 14 > 15 (in a Week

B-day: 18th of Feb.
A little bit bout' me.I am found in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. I am Filipino from Dipolog, I Don't speak Filipino anymore.
I like to Spend my spare time doing something creative, E.G Drawing, Mapping, Story Creation.
When I am bored I usually go on the computer and Watch youtube or go on TTT/ZS.
. I enjoy gaming and barely minge :s. -END-
Why do I want Regular (again):
I Want REG again because I like that Little blue (REG) thing next to my changing Aliases. I also want to take part in votekicks because it was always fun to be the last vote, well for me it was.
I am a REGular player on RND servers, and I go on the forums (when I'm bored).
I want my old REG status back.
I want to be able to use the Tools on wire build, restricted To Guests.
Also I'm not really Sure if I can apply For REG, After Being Jbanned then Guest but I will.
I have Contributed to this group, just a tiny Little fraction.
When writing your replies, Please... be gentle.