Steam-ID:STEAM_0:1:20073113 00:10 17 0
Steam Profile: Name:-X- Kaan
Time on-line: about 3 to 10 hours
Servers:NSSM and randomgs
Age: I'm 13 years old
Birthday: 24 of February
Steam Games: Team Fortress 2,Counter Strike Source,Half Life,Gmod,Half Life 2 Deathmatch,Half Life 2,Call of Duty Black Ops,Counter Strike,Counter Strike Condition Zero,Portal,Half Life 2 episode 1,Half Life 2 episode 2,Half Life 2 Lost Coast,Day od Defeat,Day of Defeat Source,Half Life Deatmatch Classic,Company of Heroes
Location: Schöneiche bei Berlin,Germany
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I Want to help new guys or girls who dont have experience with Gmod.I want to help kick annoying people and people who ruin everybodies Game.I want to save my Contraptions on the Server so other people can open my contraptions and have fun with it

Contributions to RND:
It ill Come....if i have time