Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Bluewaffle Llama (Danny Doss, I'm White!) Appeal

(1/3) > >>

1. STEAM_0:0:20730895

2. Danny

3. Bluewaffle Llama (AKA Danny Doss, I'm White!)

4. TTT

5. Okay so I'm the traitor. I'm like oh hey I'm really too lazy to trait. So I go to knife the detective and Jimonions jumps infront of me and I knife him. He is innocent. So I say to Hellsin at the end of the round and say "Some fucking retard jumped infront of me when I went to knife the detective." That retard I was talking about happened to be Jimonions and he banned me for a week. Before I could make the appeal it was lowered to a day.

6. It was a complete rage ban


Nothing against jimonions, but I'm pretty sure knifing an innocent as traitor is completely allowed.

And saying that someone's a "fucking idiot" is no reason for a week, or even a day ban.

That wouldn't even enduce a kick, to my knowledge.

Banlength 1 d 
Expires on 02-05-11 23:41 
Reason jimonions banned \'Bluewaffle Llama\' : abusive language
Banned by Admin CONSOLE 

Abusive language isnt a bannable offence, not even kickable. Unless if it was racist, which I dont think is the case here, so Jim, what is your defence  :o

Ya, clearly not enough reason for ban.

I don't understand why Danny Was banned For A brief Moment of "Abusive language"  (You should really Hear the People who Rage alot.)
Like Rocket Said It Wasn't Racist.
Maybe there is another Reason behind this??


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