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Forum Respect..Broken?
--- Quote from: ASDF(AssDuff) on February 04, 2011, 06:42:18 PM ---To tell you all the truth,my respect was like 17+. then it change to 26+ and I look all over back my posts that I ever post but noone +1.Is this a glitch?
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I doubt you looked over 256 posts...
Anyway, I noticed i lost couple dozen respect, and according to a few other people I'm not the only one?
Either trawl or glitch?
--- Quote from: ASDF(AssDuff) on February 04, 2011, 06:42:18 PM ---To tell you all the truth,my respect was like 17+. then it change to 26+ and I look all over back my posts that I ever post but noone +1.Is this a glitch?
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Well a lot can happen to your respect in a short period of time. Franks went from -37 to +2, Rockets from -50 to +30 something, mine from +26 to +328, Don's from +430 to +370.
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on February 04, 2011, 06:47:50 PM ---I doubt you looked over 256 posts...
Anyway, I noticed i lost couple dozen respect, and according to a few other people I'm not the only one?
Either trawl or glitch?
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Don lost 60 respect. Apparently Deathie did it. Idk why :-[
PhysicX M.D.:
--- Quote from: Cheesicle on February 04, 2011, 06:50:45 PM ---Well a lot can happen to your respect in a short period of time. Franks went from -37 to +2, Rockets from -50 to +30 something, mine from +26 to +328, Don's from +430 to +370.
Don lost 60 respect. Apparently Deathie did it. Idk why :-[
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actually,I can't believe rocket 50 respect went from +10 to -15 then to +30 then to -100 then to +80 then to..
I lost count...
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: Foofoojack on February 04, 2011, 05:03:24 PM --- Also add that it would change the person's respect by 2, giving me the ability to either make his respect -12 or -14
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It's normal
His respect was -13, you click +, it goes to -12, you click - after and it removes your plus, making it -13 again, then it -1, making it -14
--- Quote from: » Magic « on February 05, 2011, 12:40:03 AM ---It's normal
His respect was -13, you click +, it goes to -12, you click - after and it removes your plus, making it -13 again, then it -1, making it -14
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That's what I said :L.
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