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Forum Respect..Broken?

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 Browsing through Junior's ban report, I noticed Cheesicle -1 a stupid post that Junior made. I agreed with the -1, so I decided to give it an -1 also. Feeling bored, looking at the -2 at the top right of his post, I decided to temporarily +1 it back. But when I did this, it brung both me AND Cheesicles -1's BOTH to +2's. I did this over and over again, -2, +2, -2, +2, -2. I find this awfully weird. Try this out for yourself and see if it does the same. It also changed Junior's respect from -14 to -12 when I +1'd it.

Can I try it on yours? lolol


--- Quote from: Peetah on February 03, 2011, 06:28:12 PM ---Can I try it on yours? lolol

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Yeah Peetah you can try it out on mine, -1 it then +1 it, it will skip 0.

Just now figured this out also. When you -1, or +1 someones post, you can't put that +1 or -1 back to neutral. (+0)


--- Quote from: Foofoojack on February 03, 2011, 06:31:54 PM --- Sure. But you need 2 people to do it.

Just now figured this out also. When you -1, or +1 someones post, you can't put that +1 or -1 back to neutral. (+0)

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You can. You have to click the one you clicked.

To neutralize a -1, click the -. Same applies to +1, but +.


--- Quote from: Frank on February 03, 2011, 06:42:58 PM ---You can. You have to click the one you clicked.

To neutralize a -1, click the -. Same applies to +1, but +.

--- End quote ---
Oh I see. Then what's up with the thing where I could control Cheeses -1?

Before I did anything to his vote, it was -1, then I -1'd it also, THEN I +1'd it, and it looks like this.


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