Steam name :
jacek2144Steam InGame Name :
[SGU] Dr.Rush {IWTB}Steam_ID : STEAM_0:1:32329244
Time Playing in Gmod: 235 hours
Achievements in Gmod : 11 of 25
Servers Rnd what i play most :
- Trouble terrorist town (Loot OF Times)
- Winter Survival (loot of times)
- Zomibe Survival (Some Times)
- Build (sometimes)
- Wirebuild (Sometimes)
- Sledbuild (Sometimes)
- Flood (loot of times)
- Fretta (loot of times)
Games on steam :
Valve Complete Pack +
GarrysmodLocation :
PolandWhy i should be regular member :
- I am not some noob spamming chat.itp
- I am not minge
Contributions to RND :
- I can use source sdk here some proof : (My mod IF you dont belive i can use source sdk)
Hope i can be regular member on your servers