i know the first thing running through your guy's heads is, SLEEPER?!?!?! THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!! well working full time and going to school full time and women, all is pretty much they death of my free time. Some of you may know me as Sleepersoft, orion_soft, or EmilyBliss, or LadyLuck

i know most of you now are prolly like OH.... IVE HEARD OF YOU... or ASSHOLE!!! YOURE THE FAGGOT THAT BANNED ME!!! or I HATE YOUR SOUL FOR CREATING THE 1ME_DEATH MAPS!!!! or you prolly dont know me at all but, thats because, hmmm let me put it this way, youre in the time where the admins call you minges, im from the time where the admins now, were the minges of my time, and i pretty much banned all of them at one time or another.

well ive come to you guys with a proposition, you all know that coolz can only host so much, and not everything that the community wants can be hosted, some of you know the types of servers ive hosted before: RRPX, Parasite, ZS, Sandbox, PirateShipWars, Spacebuild(2 and 3), GlobalRP DarkRP, Underdone, Fretta(back when it was only beta), GMS, Redead, Deathmatch, GarryTheftAuto, and other small gamemodes. I want to know if any of you would like to see any of my previous servers be revived,--(this time i have a waaay better server to host on, and there wont be any laggg like some of you remember it being HORRIBLE!!!)-- or suggest a new gamemode that i havent heard of. i basically have a server that isnt being stressed to its maximum potential, and would like to host again like old times... <3 Im willing to host one server to see how populated it gets. if all goes well, ill bring up a max of 3. so please reply with any suggestions/comments/remarks.
Missed you all