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What Would be a the Best Investment for Building a New Computer?

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--- Quote from: Xrain on January 31, 2011, 05:53:17 PM ---Very well Then
(These are percent improvment over the 5770 going off the Minimum FPS)

Stalker: Call of Pripyat: 1920 x 1080

1 GB 460: 16.667%
768 MB 460: 11.7647%

Dirt 2: 1920x1200

1 GB 460: 31.372%
768 MB 460: 25.53%

Crysis: 1920 x 1200

1 GB: 38.45%
768MB: 38.45%

Bad Company 2: 1920 x 1200

1GB: 41.935%
768MB: 33.33%

--- End quote ---

I understand the 460 is a better card. I also agreed. Dont need to go all out now. :3
As for the cpu.
As what I said. Invest in the mobo and hdd first.
Mobo being the decider on what you will be using.
I also said dont spend too much on the Cpu.

In conclusion,
Get the dual core because it is more practical for todays use and is not too expensive.
Since you have the comparability from the mobo.
Upgrading to a more powerful cpu if needed in the future will be an easy option.

So get the 460, nice mobo, nice hdd, dual core, ddr3 and you got yourself a nice budget upgradeable pc.
Surly you agree.

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: Xrain on January 31, 2011, 05:53:17 PM ---Giant, not very needed post

--- End quote ---

Then I guess I've been living under a rock for quite some time and not realizing what has been released by then with the graphics cards. But I couldn't care less if the programs I have been using didn't take full advantage of multi-cores and have a lower performance over dual cores, if it still works and does not taking over 9000 hours to do 1 task, then I dont think you'd have to get that technical about it. Take Garry's Mod for example. People have been saying that Lua does not do very well on mutli-threaded programs. GMod has a multi-core rendering option, and my guess is that it utilizes 2 cores with that option. But I don't notice a degrade in performance or anything. You're right about me mis-assuming about stating everything gets unstable with 4 cores if anything.

I'm not sure what Garry does with the game coding wither it being multi-core or not, I still get sexy smooth performance in the game with the option turned on.

Then please, by all means let Sab get the 460 for the extra $10 while it's in that price-range. If a Phenom X4 wont do the job very well, then I honestly don't know what else can.

But did you really have to type all of those long paragraphs just to say "Dude, the 460 is better than the 5770 just for $10 more", quote only me on it, and -1 those post's I made just because I recommended a Phenom Quad core rather than a Dual Core? I might have a few reasons why on me instead of other people who recommended the same but really? No need to write an essay just to state that.


--- Quote from: Cake Faic on January 31, 2011, 06:30:21 PM ---Then I guess I've been living under a rock for quite some time and not realizing what has been released by then with the graphics cards. But I couldn't care less if the programs I have been using didn't take full advantage of multi-cores and have a lower performance over dual cores, if it still works and does not taking over 9000 hours to do 1 task, then I dont think you'd have to get that technical about it. Take Garry's Mod for example. People have been saying that Lua does not do very well on mutli-threaded programs. GMod has a multi-core rendering option, and my guess is that it utilizes 2 cores with that option. But I don't notice a degrade in performance or anything. You're right about me mis-assuming about stating everything gets unstable with 4 cores if anything.

I'm not sure what Garry does with the game coding wither it being multi-core or not, I still get sexy smooth performance in the game with the option turned on.

Then please, by all means let Sab get the 460 for the extra $10 while it's in that price-range. If a Phenom X4 wont do the job very well, then I honestly don't know what else can.

But did you really have to type all of those long paragraphs just to say "Dude, the 460 is better than the 5770 just for $10 more", quote only me on it, and -1 those post's I made just because I recommended a Phenom Quad core rather than a Dual Core? I might have a few reasons why on me instead of other people who recommended the same but really? No need to write an essay just to state that.

--- End quote ---

Lmao thats like my rig in a nutshell kindof.

460, dual core intel, ddr3 4gb ram, you know if you consider that a budget gaming pc then hell, pc gaming is an expensive hobby lol.

Cake Faice:
Then what was the point on getting quad cores, besides for gaming if programs preform better on dual cores. Unless it's an AMD only thing.



--- Quote from: Cake Faic on January 31, 2011, 06:37:12 PM ---Then what was the point on getting quad cores, besides for gaming if programs preform better on dual cores. Unless it's an AMD only thing.

--- End quote ---
Its cause a quad is a quad.
That doesnt mean anything but If your getting something new you want it to be future proof.
Why buy a NEW dual core is you know your gunna stick with it for awhile.

460 - $200
Cpu - $150
Mobo - $120
Ram - $50
Psu - $50
Hdd - $80

$650. + you need the Case.
Cant really consider anything lower then that budget and also being a "gaming" computer.


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