Technology (Read Only) > Computers
What Would be a the Best Investment for Building a New Computer?
Well, I'm thinking of building a new computer, because I have a shitty Acer.
Basically, I want to build it from scratch, but I have no experience, and have no idea what to buy, and I thought I'd ask the forums before researching around a bit.
So what do you guys think the best investment to starting to build a new computer would be? (I'm looking for good parts for a really good computer, depending on the price)
(Lol 1337 post count)
Depends which direction you'd want to go.
AMD gives you more bang for your buck, but is a bit less efficient than Intel.
IMO (And I'm sure most would agree) AMD would be the way to go, but it's up to you.
It also depends on what you want to spend, and what kind of rig it will be used for.
AMD + ATI Rig.
Not AMD + Geforce or Intel + ATI or Intel + Intel or Intel + Geforce or AMD + Geforce/Intel, k?
Jus, AMD + ATI. You will <3 urself. You get more bang for the buck, like death said.
What's the approximate price range for these?
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on January 30, 2011, 12:35:00 PM ---What's the approximate price range for these?
--- End quote ---
Well it depends. I built mine for around 350-400 dollars. I get a 80+ fps on mw2 and 60+ on black cops all on ultra and maxed out. On Garrys mod it depends on the map.
Also, my specs and such are located on my steam community page. If you want to build a rig like mine, just check it out.
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