Hello there!
I finally figured out why i kept getting deleted; I forgot to put the time.

mistake, so lets carry on!
My name is Physgun, or as some of you know me, I Just Said.
I wish to become a regular because i wish to have a further grasp in this community.
I wish to become involved in this community as a regular so i shall have more tools at my dispersal, so i could help others learn.
I wish to become regular so i could create complicated machines,because, hey! whats the point of making something awesome if you cant save it?
Not buying it, eh? Can't blame ya.
All right! Simplified version. Steam I.D. # 2 "i just said" STEAM_0:0:0 00:30 31 0
Further grasp
Access to more tools
Helping others understand the concept of Garrysmod
Creating more advanced machines i.e. fin aircraft, mechs, rockets, spaceships, etc.