Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

25/01/11 Application: Lil fox

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--- Quote from: Lil fox on January 25, 2011, 06:50:12 PM ---Lil fox's vip app

Why i want to be VIP
I wish to be vip so i can help out the noobsthe new people in wire TTT (sometimes) winter if there is a Propkiller, RDM'er, etc


RDM'er (ttt)

1st time warning
3rd time ask for reason
5th time kick
6th time ban
7th time (after he comes back) report on fourms for admins to decide

PROP KILLER (wire/ttt)

1st time warning
3rd time kick
4th time ban
5th time report on fourms

Detective RDMing DETECTIVE or T rdming T

1. Ask for excuse/reason
   A. If none ban and report on fourm with screenshot of scoreboard and log
2.if ledgit reason,(not: TO PROVE I WAS INNO) take it into account
  A. If repeated ask again to se if ledgit excuse
    b. third time ban and take screenshots and report on fourms
3. If im not there and was informed
  A. tell them to report on fourm with evidance
    b. no evidence, no ban

1. if noticed by me/victim keep an eye on victim
  A. Take note if RDM'ers are T or not
    B. if both are inno warn them
      c. if continued inharite a kick
        d. if continued again inharite a ban
          e. if they come back after ban, ban again and report on fourms

Tell them "Press esc>playerlist>click on (insert micspammer here) mute

Someone keeps killing himself/herself
lawl at himnothing

someone is butthurt and is dissing everyone
Tell him/her to stop and tell everyone else to ignore the troll/butthurt person

Im not really a maker but i am willing to test and help new people build on wire

NAME Ryan Packer
AGE 13 (turning 14 oct)
Timezone     Eastern timezone (usa)   
Description     ill be honest i dont realy have that much of a life, but i do have friends and hang out with them (thats why im ganna be offline Some of the time) im normaly i fallower not a leader but if i have to i will, i can make my own decisions, Im not normaly the type to get mad/butthurt or whatever you wish to call it
Location    Eastern USA State:Michigan
servers i play on    Trouble in T town, Wire, Zombie survival and
STEAM NAMES Lil fox(with added stuff aka. the RND tag) or ham sandwich (for unknownreasons)
steam Id STEAM_0:1:33520649

A few friends in RND
Scherii, Magic, Arcoyl, Peetah,Pryvisee,zombie waffles,And Deathie

Thanks for reading (and +1ing for those who do)

Spoiler (click to show/hide) I LIKE TURTLES APP by lil fox :D

--- End quote ---

Lil Fox is a great player, really responsible,  and play good ass music  ^-^
Definitely not a micspammer, and really nice and respectful to all players. I have to give him  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Due to not being able to modify my answer above, I would like to correct myself when I said he "play" good ass music I meant to say he "plays" good ass music. That is all.

Not terrible as a person, just don't think he's VIP material, to put it nicely. Sorry Little Fox. Just sayin'.

Good player, I don't think you're a VIP material so.....



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