STEAM_0:0:27487363 20:24 258 0 active
Time online:
Most of the time as im in college (british college (17) and i live 3 miles away (like highscool) so im home alot and only go on these server and one rp
Wiremod Servers( .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew)
Build servers
rp servers
6th march 1993
Steam Games:
Garry's Mod
Half-Life 2
Cornwall,southwest england,united kingdom
Why I want to be Regular
I want to be a regular because i am a keen builder and am stumped by the lack of tools that i need for stuff like wire components and would love to have use of the adv dupe to save my stuff thank you
If you want to contact me just add me as a friend on Steam. but ill be on the forum loads thanks