1, Players Steam ID) "SiRsMkSALOT" STEAM_0:0:23964721 1:10:27 155 0 active
2, Their in game name) SiRsMkSALOT
3, Your in game name) Deacon
4, Server) Wirebuild
5, Description of the events) Started as a normal time in wire, people blowing things up with PewPew, you know, the usual. The offender with the strange name began to shoot someone with his death laser, and they asked him to stop. He didn't, so i put a box around his laser cannon. He called me a faggot (hate speech) and told me to remove it, so I did. After I did
6, Reason for ban Demotion) minging after someone tried to stop him from minging, through use of a weapon designed in PewPew for the purpose of killing innocent people.
7, Screenshots) Ok, i tried an experimental thing here...
But the real things;
And the Conversation, taken from the console:(Reg) Deacon: problem solved
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: hay faggot move that shit now
(Reg) Deacon: hay fuckin hateer
(Reg) Deacon: hater*
(Reg) Deacon: quit your bitching
Prop undone
Player Unicron left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Player Unicron has joined the game
Unicron (Country: United States) connected.
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: quit ur diying
] jpeg
Deacon suicided!
(Guest) [SE]CokeNetworker: Can we play like a sort of deathmatch game? :3
(Guest) john: rocket launcher time
(Reg) Deacon: stop.
(Reg) .:RND `=- Chuck Norris: lol look at my autonymous car
pewpew undone
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rules in chat!
(Guest) john: how do u become a regular
(Reg) Unicron: You have to perform oral sex on three admins at once
(Guest) john: lol/ but seriously
(Reg) Unicron: I am serious.
(Reg) Deacon: you apply on the forums
(Guest) john: ok
(Guest) john: xD
pewpew undone
Prop undone
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: dude u little faggit
(Reg) Unicron: umad?
Player Adliikhwan has joined the game
Adliikhwan (Country: Malaysia) connected.
(Reg) Deacon: hemad, bro
Prop undone
(Reg) Deacon: now stop shooting me with that damn thing
john removed prop_physics
(Guest) [SE]CokeNetworker: What exactly are we doing? 
(Reg) Deacon: please stop.
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: are you done now?
(Reg) Deacon: bitch please, you started shooting me
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: or should i continue?
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: not once did i shoot you (see screencaps)
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: until you started interupting my building
(Reg) Deacon: as far as i see it, you're being a complete and total prick
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: just like you covering my props?
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: sdfu and get off my dick (wat)
(Reg) Deacon: i covered your death ray cause you keep fucking killing me
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: no
] jpeg_quality 100
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: you coverd my deathray cuzz u wanted to be a faggot
(Reg) Unicron: Sirmks
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: im killed you becuase u were covering what was YET to be my deathray
(Reg) Unicron: I'll tell you once
(Reg) Unicron: Stop fucking with deacon
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: suck my dick unicron
(Reg) Deacon: yes, thats right. i covered your shit for no reason, even though i had no incentive to do so. (sarcasm)
(Guest) john: lock and load
(Reg) Unicron: How about you shut your whore mouth
Failed to load sound ")gdc\m260.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: sorry chuck
Failed to load sound ")gdc\m260.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Failed to load sound ")gdc\m260.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Wrote 'screenshots/gm_owata_coast_03_edit30064.jpg': 1.44 MB (800x600) compresssed (quality 100) to 215.28 KB
(Reg) .:RND `=- Chuck Norris: thats k
Failed to load sound ")gdc\m260.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: uncifag remove ur stupid ass cage
(Reg) Unicron: Stop being a minge and I will
SiRsMkSALOT suicided!
(Reg) Deacon: now enough with this shit
(Reg) Deacon: all of you
Wrote 'screenshots/gm_owata_coast_03_edit30067.jpg': 1.44 MB (800x600) compresssed (quality 100) to 242.18 KB (killed me again)
(Reg) Deacon: you're gonna keep it up, eh?
SiRsMkSALOT suicided!
Deacon suicided!
Wrote 'screenshots/gm_owata_coast_03_edit30068.jpg': 1.44 MB (800x600) compresssed (quality 100) to 169.98 KB
SiRsMkSALOT suicided!
Prop undone
(Guest) [SE]CokeNetworker: WTF?
(Guest) [SE]CokeNetworker: How come he killed me?
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: accident
(Reg) Deacon: ok unicron, i think he gets it.
(Guest) [SE]CokeNetworker: I know
(Reg) Unicron: I removed it
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: unicrons just a bitch
(Guest) [SE]CokeNetworker: How can I not kill anyone?
(Reg) Unicron: The fact that you're trying to start shit with everyone tells me something
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: ur fail likme unifag
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: no actually ur dumb ass just got here and defended a minger
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: u dumb bitch
Failed to load sound ")gdc\m260.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Deacon was killed by gdca_80mms8heat (killed by john, a guest)
(Reg) Unicron: Uhuh
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: get em john
(Reg) Deacon: all of you, quit your bitching or we all get serious problems.
Deacon was killed by gdca_80mms8heat
(Reg) Deacon: john
(Guest) john: yes?
(Reg) Deacon: fucking quit it
] status
hostname: .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Build|Tick66|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx/Pewpew
version : 4426 secure
udp/ip :
map : gm_owata_coast_03_edit3 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 6 (15 max)
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state
# 4 "SiRsMkSALOT" STEAM_0:0:23964721 1:10:27 155 0 active
# 10 "Deacon" STEAM_0:1:32948396 23:33 67 0 active
# 6 "john" STEAM_0:0:34209951 1:04:36 82 0 active
# 8 ".:RND `=- Chuck Norris" STEAM_0:1:25781554 35:07 138 0 active
# 11 "[SE]CokeNetworker" STEAM_0:0:38109128 13:22 176 0 active
# 14 "Unicron" STEAM_0:1:18619921 09:54 118 0 active
(Reg) SiRsMkSALOT: deacon stop mingin
john removed gdc_ub8
(Reg) Deacon: i'm just standing here, how am i being a minge
(Guest) [SE]CokeNetworker: How do I get out of guest>
(Reg) Deacon: you need to apply on the forums