« on: January 22, 2011, 10:11:56 PM »
Pryvisee's VIP Aplication!_____________________Game Information
•Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26035241
•In-Game Name: §§™ Pryvisee
•Servers I play: TTT All The WAY!
•Add me as a friend:

Personal Information
•Name: Dillon Fahey
•Location: Cedar City, Utah
•Time Zone: MST: Mountain Standard Time
•Birth Date: October 7th, 1995
•Gender: Male
•Age: 15
Mass RDMing on TTT:
•Warn player if it's less then 3 RDM's
•If player commits more then 4 RDM's, votekick.*
•Past 5 ask them why they did it. If there's no reason, voteban.*
•If it's over 9000, banz kthnx.
*If the player is a noob and doesn't know how to play, tell them to press F1 and read the rules.
Since he RDMed a lot of people, his karma will be very low and the person that killed him will loose literally nothing
Someone is said to be hacking:
•Watch the player consistently to see if there is any hacks used.
•If there is sign of any hacks, Turn "spectate only" on.
•If there is a huge noticeable sign of hacks, start recording a demo and warn them to turn them off.
•If they do not listen, votekick.
•If they come back and keep on hacking, voteban and report on forums with the demo.
*If there's anything I can not handle like Name Changers, DOS etc... I will immediately contact one of the admins that are online ATM.
Sorry for not going all out on the situation's. Didn't really see a need to. I've had admin on several servers, including these (Which I screwed over) and I have never been demoted due to abuse.
Computer & Games
Computer Specs
•ASUS M4A785-M Motherboard
•2x2GB Kingston HyperX Ram
•ATI Radeon HD 4200 Integrated Graphics
•AMD Athlon II X4 640 Propus 3.0GHz CPU
•Diablotek PHD450 PSU
Games I own (Steam)
•Counter-Strike: Source
•Half-Life 2: Death Match
•Garry's Mod
•Battle Field: Bad Company 2
•Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
•Half-life 2
•Half-life 2: Episode 1
•Half-life 2: Episode 2
•Killing Floor
•Team Fortress 2
•Day of Defeat: Source
•Grand Theft Auto 1
•Grand Theft Auto 2
•Grand Theft Auto III
•Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
•Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
•Grand Theft Auto: IV
•Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
•Left 4 Dead
•Left 4 Dead 2
•Max Payne
•Max Payne 2
•Midnight Club 2
•Wild Metal
How much: $359.81 USD
Time spent making this application: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes.
This was kinda copied from my older VIP app but oh well. 

« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 10:18:24 PM by Orgazmo »

SabbathFreak: Ya more caps = bigger penis = admin.
1:10 AM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: ya
1:10 AM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: shit might get kinky
1:11 AM - .:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: watch your ass
1:11 AM - .:~RND`=- Orgazmo: plugged and lubed