Hello there my name is Bobdole A.K.A Dustin Nguyen I would like to Join RND Team because it is awsome.
My steam name is:xdustinx199
My steam ID is:STEAM_0:1:17110879
My In-game name is:_-BOBDOLE-_ its sexy I know right

My time online will be:Im usually on like at 3:00 o clock Pacific Time ON RND cause its freakin awsome NOD WITH ME IF ITS TRUE <3
Servers i play in is mostly RND ZOMBIE and sometimes sled and flood.
My age is 13 But don't worry i'm no mic spammer hehehe.
my birthdate was on January 2nd 1998 my bday was like 15 days ago ^_^
The games i play is GMOD and Counter strike source but i play GMOD like hella lot its addicting

Im in California thats my location don't stalk please Lol jk but seriously don't lol
I want to be a regular because i want to give glitchers and rule breakers and Minges and want RND healthy and wealthy and well populated.
My Contributions to RND:eh Non :/
if you want to Contact Me Just add me on Steam or if you have Aim instant messanger its azndude582 ;].
And Who ever Accept me god bless you and everything if you disagree on this post i understand i just want to keep RND awsome oh wait it already is awsome haha But yea thank you if you like my post <3[GO RND]<3