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Something to prevent gamemode repetition? (fretta)

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--- Quote from: Jman on January 15, 2011, 09:50:30 PM ---Other people do like the other game modes  :idk:

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Well clearly more then half the server wants DR which is why you guys keep losing the vote...

Thats basically all I'm getting out of this thread "I don't like what the majority of people vote for so lets stop it!"

it's usually like 12 people for DR and 3-4 people for something else Why should the majority leave?


--- Quote from: Shawn on January 15, 2011, 09:54:06 PM ---Well clearly more then half the server wants DR which is why you guys keep losing the vote...

Thats basically all I'm getting out of this thread "I don't like what the majority of people vote for so lets stop it!"

it's usually like 12 people for DR and 3-4 people for something else Why should the majority leave?

--- End quote ---

That's not what I am saying. I am just stating that there are more gamemodes than just deathrun for a reason.

Although DR is getting boring when being played almost every single time with the same 3-4 maps, but
there are game modes that are much more worse then that.
Still I have found garryware and deathrun the most addictive game modes in the server, but there are a few other
good game modes that shouldn't be forgoten.

» Magic «:
I hate garryware >.<

I am up to see what lazer tag looks like. Oh wait... i cant play it coz its constant deathrun. We need some thing like this. If a gamemode is picked 3 times in a row/every 5 times===> this gamemode should have a "cooldown of 2 picks" what i mean my this is it not to appear in the voting section.


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