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Something to prevent gamemode repetition? (fretta)

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--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on January 19, 2011, 04:44:48 PM ---Solution:

Split Servers.

Make RND Deathrun server in addition to RND Fretta server.

That is, if you have enough servers.

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i think i said that to coolz but idk nao if he willdo that if he wuld it would be better and remove deathrun in fretta so ppl wont complain

Dale Feles:
But, if 4/5 of the server likes deathrun and you make a DR server, won't everyone stop playing fretta?

sorry 4 bump

I think deathrun should be moved to its own server, then add a bunch more games to fretta, preferably not stupid ones like pedobear

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: masshuu on February 17, 2011, 11:14:27 PM ---I think deathrun should be moved to its own server, then add a bunch more games to fretta, preferably not stupid ones like pedobear

--- End quote ---

you got the money bro? dun think so


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