Pro Black's Regular Application! 2011-01-10
SteamID:# 416 "Pro Black" STEAM_0:1:26752263 09:24 243 0 active
In-Game Name:
Pro Black
Time online:
I usually get online directly after school about 14:30 or something,And im online Pretty long unless i have to go to Basketball training,I play quite much.
U usually see me on Zombie Survival and Deathrun, Sometimes on Flood

Im 13
97-05-06/6 may
Games (on Steam):
Garrys mod,Cs 1.6,Hl 2 < Those are the ones i play the most but when im bored i play Audio Surf:)
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I would like to be Regular in order to help VIPs in their votekicks/votebans.I have never been reported for abuse/minging and people don't have problems with me.
--I think--,I have been playing on RND servers For over 1 year now,Started when the deathtimes first came out.I don't rage at people right away or yell at admins/VIPs. I'm a patient guy and tell them friendly to stop.If they don't stop after I tell them to do so, I would get a VIP to take action or to do further things.
(kinda copyed Dons Application but i really ment those things)
Contributions to RND:
-------- Dont have anything to say:/--------
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:
Msn -
Skype - Amanuel424
Facebook - Amanuel Kidane
Thanks for taking the time to read my application, please feel free to comment!