Nope. Shit like this is the exact reason why you seem like a self-centerted hot-head who thinks he's good shit.
Just get out.
I shall calmly state how your post is hypocritical purely because it seems you're becoming hot-headed over my posts and you constantly over-reacting to anything I type, where you come up with these groundless and emotion-filled assumptions such as to call me 'self-centered hot head' and 'good shit'(Lol good shit?).
You're a hypocrite, you're the only one losing their cool, and how stupid is it of you to tell me to 'Get out' of my own thread? Properly it's either you have something nice to say or not at all, if you give +1 or -1 or 0, so be it, but you along with many of the other kids and ones who're immature just keep piling on with the emotional instabilities and insecurities.
Does me calling you a 'Kid', tick you off that much, because it's just the truth or that I used it in a derogatory fashion?
Really, if whether or not I get such a title of 'Regular' or 'VIP' is dependent on the foolishness of other members who aren't Mods or admins themselves but are just silly and mouthy little E-punks who take out their frustrations on others irrationally, I'd tell myself pre-emptively not to attempt making an application which was made for the good of the server, not for the good of a childs' simple-minded and predictable ego. Does me using such big words make you insecure and feel that I somehow must have an Ego myself? Har har har..... I will logically use words to dismiss and barrage you until you submit!

It is delicious and moist. Don't respond to this thread again please, lest I blatantly reveal my plans of how your next post was more predictable than what cereal I'm going to be eating tomorrow morning.....
I made my application, I'll wait for people who 'KNOW' me to make their decision on such a matter as This, for making this Fair I'd hope such a thing is understandable, if admins and mods are fine with it that's fine, if I get on the bad side of an admin or mod that's my fault and problem, but to rely on a guest or regular or user that is on the server who easily have problems with me is just as relatable as an RDM'er on the game, merely their Revenging is via retaliating on this thread immaturely. Too many people who come in here to spam '-1', most of which are people who are angry from Today only and don't give a chance, and are in a 'dontknowdontcare' situation.
I will see how the other mods or admins think of me from the times and experiences of me being around the more I play in the server.
P.S. I predict a 'tl;dr' from the immature ones. Hopefully stating this prevents such posts from occurring.