My Regular Application (AGAIN)
(My previous respected was granted strait away by Coolze

I would like to make another application/request to get my Trusted/Respected back because in the last update apparently everyone's status (I think) got reset and shizzle.
Incase I DO need to write down why I need it again look down, If I don't do not bother but I assure you I am usually regularly on just ever since I lost my trusted/respected I haven't been on lately >_<.
I'm beginning to get on more occasionally as usual.
I am qualified for regular because I am not a


like OTHER people I know.
I can make pretty cool planes,Buildings,And I have a little basic in e2 I can make hats

So far I've made a Halo

only one thing cuz I've only just learned it.
I have a passion for build servers and rp.
I am friend's with a lot of people on there

I really like the community here.
I especially love the Flood server and Build server! Never been really good at the winter survival >_< Stranded's kinda better because it's simpler for me.
Snow build is ANOTHER favourite of mine

I can usually make a pretty good sled!
I like pavlova and cookies
I like the colour blue so much I spent like 3 hours in a hair salon waiting for the blue hair dye to sink in xD now I have blue stripes

I LOVE anime :3 And Manga.
...Could go on. But I think that'd be enough!

hope I get accepted again.
If you wish to add me my acc name is Swampgass.
# 57 "Tλßitha De Lλ Vλllière" STEAM_0:0:19831806 01:01 277 0 active
Good enough
