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Magic Appreciation Thread

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I just saw Magic's "I'm tired" thread and I just wanted to say magic that alot of unspoken appreciation is still present in this community.

Despite some obvious trolling among the community forums, our community is still one of the cleanest I have seen out there, and no doubt in one of the best shapes it's been in since I've joined.

While there is some faulty reasoning and negligent banning among some of the admins, unrest among some of the more easily offended members, and obvious other problems in out community, things are just fine the way they are and there's nothing we can do to completely eliminate these factors in an internet-based community.

Thank you Magic, for your time and effort.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)now gtfo
Spoiler (click to show/hide)jk we love you <3

You clearly didn't take the time to read everything that was said in those 3 threads...
Anyways, I wonder why this was posted in Sr. ::)

nah I didn't read it all. but I feel I needed to post this anyway.

also, it's posted here to that minges can't get to it, and of course so I don't get an insane amount of +1's for it :D


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on January 07, 2011, 04:47:29 PM ---nah I didn't read it all. but I feel I needed to post this anyway.

also, it's posted here to that minges can't get to it, and of course so I don't get an insane amount of +1's for it :D

--- End quote ---
Was thinking the opposite but sure.
It's all settled anyways, Magic isn't leaving or anything either.
And assuming that you're referring to me when you say "more easily offended members", the threads that were made were not because anyone was butthurt (including me), but to discuss the issues which most people ignored or weren't aware of.

Anyways... it's all over with so it no longer matters.

Some people just overdo to the asskissing at certain points. ::)


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