ok here is what o coppied from the logs.
(JBanned) Dannyboy: it has to be funner than this
(JBanned) Dannyboy: I cant get any better than JBanned
(Guest) 13ladewarrior: go help us all
(Guest) Da Firenze: Charge as one!!

(JBanned) Dannyboy: Coll got the IP yet?
(JBanned) Dannyboy: k
(Guest) Killing Troll: which ip...
(Reg) ♣ Alkaline ♣:
(JBanned) Dannyboy: Add me when u got time
(Guest) 13ladewarrior: tell my family i love them
(Guest) Jazin Kay: no ammi, I am done
(JBanned) Dannyboy: alright thanks alkaline
(JBanned) Dannyboy: see you tommorow
1. Player's SteamID
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031431039/2. Players Nickname
1) (JBanned) Dannyboy
2) (Reg) ♣ Alkaline ♣
3) Coll
3. Your in-game name
Coca-Cola Lover
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
Zombie Survival
5. Description of the event(s)
I join and Danny was complaning he was banned for no reason. Coll Agreed and sai this RND's Zombie Survival server was failing and said onother server is way better. (Advertising)
Then a while latter (Reg) ♣ Alkaline ♣ a Regular on you ZS server gave an IP of what i do not know.
P.S. Although i cannot prove Coll in case but i recomend Banning Coll because I gave him a clear warning on what he was saying was advertising but he said and i qote "I don't care if i get banned. This server has admins that ban for no reaseon."
6. Reason for ban
Ban Coll and (Reg) ♣ Alkaline ♣ for advertising other servers/pages.
Ban Dannyboy for abedding in this conversation.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
(JBanned) Dannyboy: it has to be funner than this
(JBanned) Dannyboy: I cant get any better than JBanned
(Guest) 13ladewarrior: go help us all
(Guest) Da Firenze: Charge as one!!

(JBanned) Dannyboy: Coll got the IP yet?
(JBanned) Dannyboy: k
(Guest) Killing Troll: which ip...
(Reg) ♣ Alkaline ♣:
(JBanned) Dannyboy: Add me when u got time
(Guest) 13ladewarrior: tell my family i love them
(Guest) Jazin Kay: no ammi, I am done
(JBanned) Dannyboy: alright thanks alkaline
(JBanned) Dannyboy: see you tommorow