Hi there. I would like to become a regular on your Zombie Survival server. I will privide my information bellow.
Steam name: Coca-Cola Lover
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20283465 -or- Coca-Cola-Lover
In game name: Coca-Cola Lover
Previous In game name: Hot Nachos-----(This is for admins that dont remember who I am.)
Age: 17
Time spent on ZS server: About 1 to 2 years
Other: I would love to become regular then sometime to become admin. I have a lot to offer your ZS server. I believe i feel comfertable saying that most of the players and some admins know me. My Previous In game name of garrysmod was HotNachos. or =SnP=™ Hot Nachos. Like other apps im not going to discribe what i dont like. So I hope you approve my regular application and in the future my VIP and Admin application. Have a good day!
P.S. Sorry for spelling i have a bad hand.