Author Topic: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"  (Read 231 times)

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Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:48:55 PM »
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)


2. Players Nickname


3. Your in-game name

*<]:-}) Pilot

4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)

Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Description of the event(s)

Dr. Zomboss and Sabbath both claim that I ghosted with Foofoojack during a round in which I was a traitor, and they were both killed. Below is what happened from my point of view.

A new round started, I quickly ran into the bread room (map was Crummycradle) to grab my Deagle. I pick off a few loners, and notice Sabbath was killed. I look around outside and find him at spawn, probably killed as an AFK at spawn. That's not a legit reason for killing, obviously, but it happens.

Rounds goes on, and I notice my other T buddy got taken down, Dr. Zomboss. During this time, I had just been hanging around spawn, picking off people while the majority tampered with the falling railing on the other side of the one-sided glass building. I really paid no attention to both of them going down, because I do well alone or accompanied by other T's. Eventually I accidently suicide.

6. Reason for ban

Continuing from above, a new round starts and Zomboss claims me and Foo ghosted, hence the reason I was the last T alive and he was an innocent on my friends list alive too. Sabbath, the T killed while AFK, agrees.

With only 5 eligible Reg/VIP's on at the time, Zomboss initiated the votekick and passed it successfully (Note that they only needed 3 out of 5 votes.) This was done with zero evidence, and likely out of anger for being killed early. Apparently there is no such thing as coincidences.

On a slightly related topic, Zomboss was also seen using props to knock people off the edge on the same map earlier before this. I wasn't taking screenshots or anything, as I thought this was very minor, but it's not a good representation of VIP's when one is seen using props to shove innocents off the map as an innocent.

I'm requesting demotion for this abuse of the votekick function, and overall bad general behavior for as a VIP RND member. For one thing, they should be setting the example for future RND members, and another, shouldn't be using the now limited votekick function as a tool to get back at someone (in this case, Foo) for killing them.

I realize Zomboss might be a quite respected member around here, but I still believe this type of behavior should not be ignored because of rank or respect.

Thank you.

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)

My T-buddies.

Majority of the situation between Foo and Zomboss before the votekick.

Zomboss initiating the votekick.

Sabbath claiming I am ghosting with Foo, and the successful votekick.


Foo addressing Zomboss shoving people off with props.

Code: [Select]
(Guest) .:RND`=- Foofoojack: Zomboss
(Reg) Plazo: s its sexplode..
(Guest) .:RND`=- Foofoojack: Whyd you push me off ledge
(Guest) .:RND`=- Foofoojack: With chari
(Guest) KillerBEE: d
(Guest) .:RND`=- Foofoojack: chair*

The whole log up to the kick. (Everything else after was me collecting evidence.)

Code: [Select]
You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 22.
You are: TRAITOR
TTT: The Traitors have been selected.
Round state: 3
TTT: The round has begun!
(Reg) Dirty Hippy: i already have squirl aid
You are: TRAITOR
TTT: Traitor, these are your allies: Dr.Zomboss, SabbathFreak
(Reg) Photosynthesis: I'm with *<]:-}) Pilot.
(Reg) .:RND`=-Lil Fox: i droped ma icecream D:
(Reg) Dirty Hippy: s
TTT: You have received your special equipment.
(Reg) Photosynthesis: SHIITTITIT
(Reg) .:RND`=-Lil Fox: i got health station :D
[Flood:Console] "(VIP) Cheesicle: SUCCESS! FLOOD HAS BEEN REVIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
TTT: .:RND`=- Foofoojack found the body of SabbathFreak. He was a Traitor!
TTT: Traitors, you have been awarded 1 equipment credit(s) for your performance.
[Flood:Console] "(VIP) Pryvisee: except pp doesnt work"
TTT: Mr.Krabs found the body f =(e)=™ .:RND`=- ledjohnny. He was innocent.
[Flood:Console] "(VIP) Pryvisee: sigh"
(Guest) Mr.Krabs: no
TTT: .:RND`=- Foofoojack found the body of Dr.Zomboss. He was a Traitor!
Player Jorie has joined the game
Jorie (Country: United States) connected.
TTT: You have received 1 credit(s) for killing a Detective.
TTT: Traitors, you have been awarded 1 equipment credit(s) for your performance.
TTT: .:RND`=- Foofoojack found the body of Smokey the Bear. He was innocent.
TTT: /sexplode Puni Kichi founde body of Photosynthesis. He was innocent.
TTT: You have received your special equipment.
TTT: You have received your special equipment.
TTT: You have received your special equipment.
TTT: Teleport location marked.
TTT: The Traitors have been defeated!
Round state: 4
TTT: Let's look at the round report for 30 seconds.
TTT: Mr.Krabs found the body of *<]:-}) Pilot. He was a Traitor!
TTT: Mr.Krabs confirmed the death of Dirty Hippy.
TTT: Mr.Krabs confirmed the death of KillerBEE.
TTT: Mr.Krabs confirmed the eath of .:RND`=-Lil Fox.
TTT: Mr.Krabs confirmed the death of .:RND`=- Foofoojack.
(Guest) *<]:-}) Pilot: shit
(Guest) *<]:-}) Pilot: lagged
(VIP) Dr.Zomboss: so, you randomly killed 2 traitors?
TTT: Your Karma is 1000, so you deal full damage this round!
TTT: A new round begins in 30 seconds. Prepare yourself.
Round state: 2
Server default language is: english
(VIP) Dr.Zomboss: smells like ghosting
(Guest) .:RND`=- Foofoojack: i killed sabbath uz he was AFK
(Guest) .:RND`=- Foofoojack: ghosting?
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(VIP) Dr.Zomboss: ofc
(Reg) Photosynthesis: I LIKE PENUS IN MAH BUTT
(Guest) .:RND`=- Foofoojack: Yeah no dude
(LAST WORDS) .:RND`=-Lil Fox: Weee~-- *SPLUT*
You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 22.
TTT: The Traitors have been selected.
Round state: 3
TTT: The round has begun!
[SolidVote] Dr.Zomboss initiated vote 'Kick player .:RND`=- Fofoojack?'
[SolidVote] Reason: ghosting
(Reg) SabbathFreak: yep
(Reg) Photosynthesis: lil fox how do you last words so perfectly?
(Guest) *<]:-}) Pilot: no

Offline Sabb

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 05:56:28 PM »
You are Foo's friend on Steam, and at the start of the round, not even a minute in I believe, Foo killed BOTH traitors when NEITHER did anything yet. I was afk so I didn't even have a chance to do anything, considering I was killed less than 30 seconds into the game. It was EXTREMELY likely that Pilot was ghosting with Foo, his friend, telling him who to kill over Steam, because Pilot is the only traitor that Foo didn't kill, and Foo didn't kill any innocents either. He only went directly for both traitors.
Also, it was only a kick. If FOO felt it necessary to report the situations as abuse, he would have. You shouldn't be doing it for him.
It also shows how defensive you are, maybe cause you did ghost with him?
The very second he was accused of ghosting you started to freak out in game and started making up stupid shit scenarios to defend you and hi, such as "just cause it looks like we're ghosting doesn't mean we are! you and zomboss are friends!" (wat).

Also: your proof is shit.
It doesn't even show that Zomboss did anything, other than the kick. Which was legit.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 05:58:04 PM by SabbathFreak »

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2011, 06:02:11 PM »
Again, the only evidence out of that whole post was "You are friends on steam."

From now on, since you and Zomboss are friends on Steam, I will assume your ghosting if he kills Traitors and you are the traitor. /sarcasm.

Again, if you read, I'm defensive not only because I dislike what has been claimed against me, but because a VIP member was showing this type of behavior. VIP. You have to have admins on your side to get that, and he's prop pushing/killing and using votekick with little to no evidence?

Come on.

Edit: As a side note, the situation of ghosting WAS resolved between Zomboss and Foo just recently, but my reasoning still stands despite that.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 06:04:42 PM by Pilot »

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2011, 06:05:43 PM »
Ok, from what I can understand, this was simple rage.

Pilot did not like being votekicked for accused ghosting. Even if you weren't, its just a kick.
Zomboss did not abuse; Ghosting is kickable, isn't it?
I don't think this is a legitimate request.

If Zomboss was really pushing people with chairs, then I think that should stop though. The example argument is right.

As an unofficial mediator, I think that this should just be forgotten.
Or, we can continue on without blowing this up into something that, in the long run, (I don't think) matters.

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2011, 06:07:22 PM »
Yeah that's sort of my thoughts now, since Foo and Zomboss resolved the mess.

This thread now is really just a "I'd just like to throw out there ..."

Offline Sabb

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2011, 06:08:51 PM »
Ok, from what I can understand, this was simple rage.

Pilot did not like being votekicked for accused ghosting. Even if you weren't, its just a kick.
Zomboss did not abuse; Ghosting is kickable, isn't it?
I don't think this is a legitimate request.

If Zomboss was really pushing people with chairs, then I think that should stop though. The example argument is right.

As an unofficial mediator, I think that this should just be forgotten.
Or, we can continue on without blowing this up into something that, in the long run, (I don't think) matters.
Pilot was never kicked, but Foo was.
And he never complained either.

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2011, 06:11:41 PM »
Then my services are not needed.


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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2011, 06:36:47 PM »
Oh, uh, well, in this case.
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« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 06:49:18 PM by Supertoaster »

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2011, 06:40:43 PM »
Butthurt man is butthurt.

Check out my Soundcloud for some neat stuff!

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2011, 06:51:35 PM »
I'm not even going to attempt defending myself for this. Of course, there is no 100% evidence for someone ghosting. But killing two traitors (who did nothing, the 1 was afk) in a row in the beginning of the round is very suspicious. Pilot is in the friendlist of him and was a traitor as me and Sabbath. You should consider the fact, that are never any sure evidences for ghosting, but in that case it was very propable. He should have seen this kick as a warning, not as a reason for his friend being uber-butthurt about fullfilling my duties as VIP when someone is obviously ghosting.

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2011, 07:03:02 PM »
I'm going to say a couple things to this.
1. jpeg_quality 100. It's not that fucking hard, people.
2. Take more screenshots. Copypasta'd console logs mean NOTHING as evidence.
3. Although I think zomboss should have just let it go, it WAS just a kick. Get over it. If he banned you for an hour just because it seemed like you were ghosting, that would be a different story.

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2011, 07:11:16 PM »
u best hope moo doesn't see this thread  ::)

someone gonna get banned  :trollface:

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2011, 07:57:01 PM »
u best hope moo doesn't see this thread  ::)

someone gonna get banned  :trollface:

my hope is that this won't happen.
however if it keeps being argued about, then....-shrug-

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2011, 08:47:02 PM »
The request really ended when I said

Yeah that's sort of my thoughts now, since Foo and Zomboss resolved the mess.

This thread now is really just a "I'd just like to throw out there ..."

So, you know, lock..

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Re: Demotion Request: "Dr.Zomboss"
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2011, 09:06:52 PM »
I just want to point out I was just killed within 0 kills and 30 seconds of the round as a T by foofoo with pilot as my traitor buddy... I can almost guarentee ghosting.