FooFooJacks's Regular Application!Steam: foofoojack - STEAM_0:1:21922937
In-Game Name: .:~RND`=- Foofoojack
Time Online: Weekends - Everyday, 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM / Weekdays - Possibly mornings, 7:00 AM to 7:45 AM and 4:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Servers: Trouble in Terrorist Town - 85%
Wire Build - 8%
Prop Hunt - 4%
Zombie Survival - 3%
Age: 14
Birthday: PM for this.
Games (on Steam):Garry's Mod
Counter-Strike: Source
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Location: United States Pacific Coast
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:Why do I want to be Regular? Well there is many reasonable answers to this question, but one thing is having the joy of Regular. Most of the time, higher ranked people look at a 'Guest' and think to themselves, "Oh, thats just some random guy who probably is new." But that's not what I would like people to think, I would want them to think, "Oh, that guys a Regular and probably earned it." I am completely aware that being a Regular is very much a privilege, and I truly believe that I have the needs to become a Regular. Abuse will not happen, and I will try to my best to be as respectful as I can.
Contributions to RND: None, but maybe to come!
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:Steam addable as: foofoojack
Xfire addable as: foofoojack
Thank you for taking the time to at least read my application, and maybe even consider giving me the privilege of being a Regular. Add me on Steam as: foofoojack , no capitalization in the name. Once again, thank you! Thanks to Don for letting everybody use his application! Notes: Many of you probably have no clue who I am, but I've actually been playing for quite awhile, so far- all of the people in this community I have seen are really nice.